Well as the end of our second year as campervanners draws to a close, we are beginning to appreciate how van life has changed our outlook on life. We are no sooner back home from a trip before we are keen to get away again and it isn’t long before we are repacking Hygge and setting off to explore more of our beautiful country.
We have so much more we would like to share with you about our trips and adventures. We haven’t written about our Scotland trip yet or Devon, Dorset, Kent or Northern England and the Lakes. Not to mention the extraordinary people we have met on our travels. There is a wonderful community of people out there with so much knowledge and experience and they all have stories to tell. Then, of course there is Europe to explore.
On the practical side we will be soon be booking Hygge in for his annual habitation check and Garry (whom I have nicknamed Buffer) will be buffing, cleaning and polishing Hygge ready for our next trip. I can already feel the travel urge coming on and there are plenty of sites open all year in fact I might just get the map out……………
Over the coming weeks we hope to add more posts with tips, hints and inspiration of where to stay and visit. Even if you don’t own a campervan its worth getting out there and exploring our unique country you never know what you may find.
Happy travelling.